001 Pokemon - Pokemon! I Choose You!  

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    gukky and running man addict

    Gukky ,  who is a pure smart young man who knows science very well. His real name isn't actually gukky , but he is called that by his friends. He is also good with computers. For now , you can say he's obsessed with Pokémon ,  for now :P
    Pokémon !

    Running Man Addict , who is a pure eager young man who is a total BIG FAN of Running Man , if you know what does it mean , is a running man addict . he himself almost everytime when Running Man , a Korean television variety show , airs , he will find ways and means to watch that very episode . He himself is on his journey to be a successful actor to be famous . His real name aren't running man addict . but he is called that from his friends as basically everyone knows he likes running man since 2010... Well ,this young man sets on his journey to be successful . For now , you can say he's obsessed with Running Man , for now :P
    Running Man !

    Nothing here

    November 2013
    October 2013

    mood now




    Awakening Legend :